Political Leadership

By completing this training you will be able to understand the world and all the major influences in the world. Plus, you’ll gain the political knowledge that will allow you to stand out from the crowd and inspire light, hope, and solutions to your community and the world.

African psychy

In this lesson, we will teach you the foundations of African culture and Eurasian culture, how they emerged and evolved over time to result in fundamental differences between Africans and Eurasians. For any fighting people, victory is only guaranteed if they know themselves and their enemies.


Here you will learn about global politics and ideologies. Your understanding of the world and different ideologies will allow you to form your African ideology and stick to it.

African value systems

In this section we will make you aware of African value systems, their meanings and their importance, we will also teach you how to defend them. Remember that all the peoples of this world have values that they respect, just like other peoples, our continent will only go in the right direction if we learn and defend our values.

Afrocentric leadership

In this topic, we will explore different leadership theories around the world and their shortcomings. After that, we will introduce you to the Afrocentric leadership style based on the Ubuntu philosophy.


In this subject, you will learn how the global economy works and the economic challenges in Africa. We will also discuss in detail the main economic challenges and how to solve them. Then we will discuss possible solutions to African problems, we will explore different pragmatic strategies to solve African crises.

African families

The family is the basic unit of any society, it is a manufacturing industry for the future of a nation. A broken society is always the result of broken families, and a strong society is also the result of strong and stable families. In this section, we will teach you what family was in Africa and what it meant to Africans; we will also teach you how we can use our families to change our world.

By completing this training you will be able to understand the world and all the major influences in the world. Plus, you’ll gain the political knowledge that will allow you to stand out from the crowd and inspire light, hope, and solutions to your community and the world.

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