Business Leadership

In twenty-first century, Africa needs leaders who have been properly and contextually trained in both areas of life namely: business and politics. Because, whenever leaders are only inclined to politics without entrepreneurial skills, they will likely burry their nations into debt cycle where Africans find themselves actually.


This subject comes with important skills for business development including vision mission and business plan, you will also learn strategic marketing and general principles of business management.

Global economy

In this subject, you will learn how the global economy works and the economic challenges in Africa. We will also discuss in detail the main economic challenges and how to solve them. Then we will discuss possible solutions to African problems, we will explore different pragmatic strategies to solve African crises.

Community Development

Here we will focus on community entrepreneurship and provide you with the skills to lead communities in their own economic development.


In this subject, you have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the ideas of Pan-Africanism and why they are relevant to Africa's quest for liberation.


Do you know that you can become a millionaire with one hectare of land? As a student at Free-Minded Academy, you have the opportunity to learn practical modern techniques of environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture. We will make you a transformative agent in your local community for the eradication of hunger through our Zero Hunger project.

In twenty-first century, Africa needs leaders who have been properly and contextually trained in both areas of life namely: business and politics. Because, whenever leaders are only inclined to politics without entrepreneurial skills, they will likely burry their nations into debt cycle where Africans find themselves actually… Here we are about to make a difference.

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