
Africa has the resources, energy, skills, manpower and everything that can turn Africa into a global power base, however, Africa needs one thing, which is appropriate leadership, in politics and business.

Our vision is to build and restore Africa’s global power base through effective use of our available resources, our knowledge base and the African market.

Our Mission

To realize this vision for Africa, we are focused on the following mission:

1.A deconstruction of Eurocentric notions of society and state management, which are not compatible with the African reality, socio-cultural system and environment.
2. Re-education of Africans on their history, awareness of the current state of African nations and peoples in the world, and projection of the future of Africa and Africans in the world.
3. Appropriate and practical leadership training in politics and business. In other words, we provide African millennials with the tools in the form of skills to change the course of Africa and its peop

What We Do

Prisons must be demolished and schools built

1. We teach people about their environment first. We see the economy as resulting from the productive and well-planned interactions of people with their environment, this implies that people must have knowledge of the environment in which they live in order to initiate activities that will contribute to their economic development.
2.We then provide the tools that will allow people to navigate their own environment creating economic opportunities. Once our learners have gained a deep understanding of their environment, the next step is to equip them with the necessary tools that will enable them to use different inputs from their environment and transform them into outputs such as services or products needed in our community, for economic development. The skills we provide at this stage are not just business skills, they are also leadership skills needed to bring about positive change in our communities based on current expectations.
3. Third, we bring our learners from around the world into a pan-African business network where they can be exposed to different ideas and opportunities, economic updates and productive workshops for further personal and professional development. The business idea is always good, but unless you have the market available, connected to other people of similar energy and skills, your business idea may not succeed.
4. Finally, we are spreading a culture of Pan-Africanism among our trained leaders.

Why Us?

Why Leaders in Business & Politics?

In the same way that a human being needs two legs (left and right) to be balanced, politics and business are also like the right and left legs of a company, a community and the whole nation. Running a nation is business management whereas at the end of the year the ruler should be able to declare profits to the nation.
In the 21st century, Africa needs leaders who have been appropriately and contextually educated in both areas of life, namely: business and politics. Because, whenever leaders are only politically inclined without entrepreneurial skills, they are likely to plunge their nations into the cycle of debt that African nations find themselves in. On the other hand, if leaders are trained only for business development without political skills, they will end up selling their nations for money and lack of ideology. The aim of the Free-Minded Academy is to fill this gap by producing a new class of African leaders with new and relevant skills who can lead the continent in a different direction.


Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it.

The current population of Africa is made up of more than 60% of young people under the age of 25, we believe that youth is synonymous with energy and a future, and we also believe that if Africa has a future to build, it must be built through its younger generations, so we are preparing for the future of Africa by re-educating the youth and providing them with leadership skills in politics and business.
Business and politics are the backbone of any society, and Africa currently needs more young and dynamic Africans, with or without a university degree, but who are well equipped with the energy and skills to build from scratch and create opportunities for themselves and their communities. , and Free-Minded is here to fulfill that mission. At Free-Minded, we believe Africa’s future will only be bright with more genuine political and business leaders than more educated job seekers and politicians who depend only on aid and foreign investment.